Setting up Docker on Windows 10
I want to share the story on setting up docker on windows 10. The struggles and the road blockers and want to see if you also shared the same experience and this article could help you in removing those road blocks.
login to docker using your docker id
download setup for windows
after the installation you may be prompted to install below package. you can dowmnlaod and install it
once done, now you can restart you docker hub as shown below . right click on the docker icon on the task menu and you will see an option for docker hub restart. go ahead and restart docker .
Open a command prompt and run the command
C:/docker -version
this should show the installed docker version
try another command
c:/docker run hello-world
this will give the output something like
This means that you hello world docker image is not found locally , so it will pull it from the repository.
another command docker images will help give you the list of docker imaged available.
c:\docker images
now you can also start the open Dockerhub by double clicking on the docker shortcut icon
In the next article lets create a docker image of the springboot application.
This application has been created in my another article